radical mental health: what we do
Las Vegas Radical Mental Health Collective meets twice a month for support, community building, mutual aid, and transformation.
We offer understanding and a rich openness to new ideas. We share a dream of making a Las Vegas soteria house–an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for people in crisis.
All 18+ who agree to our safer spaces policy are welcome, whether you have a diagnosis or not. Any person can have an extreme state or mood–any person can experience despair, grief, fear.
We’re pro-choice about medication and believe in freedom. We listen, care, have fun, have deep discussions, and enjoy collaboration. All events are free!
Nowadays we meet online. Soon we’ll have in person meetings again also! Please contact us for how to get involved. See you soon!
lasvegasradicalmentalhealth at gmail dot com
702-five three zero-four seven one six
Here’s a soundcloud audio description of our collective and what we do, what radical mental health is, soteria houses, and benefits of meeting. Please listen and share!
robotmad · Las Vegas Radical Mental Health Collective: what we do, ideas behind it